These are the lyrics of a beautiful love song by fellow Congolese brothers I came across a few days ago.
You can listen to it here and download the whole album for free here.
[Song was translated from French to English]
You’re the kind of man that God wanted on earth,
The model of perfect love,
You taught love by your word and your life,
Jesus you are the model of perfect love. (x2)
You taught us what true love is,
To love those who are unworthy of our love,
To do good to those who won’t do the same to us,
Jesus you are the model of perfect love
You have proven your love for us while we were yet sinners, you died in our place,
Your love has removed the burden of our sins,
You are worthy of our love,
You are truly the model of perfect love. (Chorus x2)
Naturally, man returns evil for evil, and even evil for good,
But you brought up a new lifestyle,
Love your enemies, and desire their well-being,
Jesus you are the model of perfect love.
Beyond words, you taught love by your life,
You forgave those who nailed you to the cross,
You healed the ear of the executioner who came to arrest you,
Jesus you are the model of perfect love.
(Chorus x2)
You are worthy of our love. (Hook)