We will all face God one day for sure, it’s a fact!
On that day, everyone of us will give an account to the Creator.
There will be salvation, there will be damnation. There will be joy, there will also be sorrow.
On that day, when you stand before the throne of God, what would you say to Him?
Would you be able to say: Lord, …
- I have loved You with my whole heart and also loved my neighbor as my own self.
- I have done my very best to serve You faithfully and diligently all the days of my life.
- I have done my very best to always give honor and praise to Your name.
- I have done my very best to be a good steward of the gifts You entrusted me with.
- I have done my very best to be a good husband/wife and a present and caring dad/mom for my child(ren).
- I have always prayed to You and waited upon You.
- I have witnessed for You before men and was not ashamed to live a holy life for You.
Or would you likely say, ‘Lord, I failed you. I kept making excuses and did not respond to your call to repentance and obedience’.
On the last day, everything will be uncovered. All hypocrisies, greeds, lies, double lives, and plots.
Books will be opened and the truth will be revealed. The heart and deeds of many will be known, and more importantly, justice will prevail.
The redeemed will stand on that day, while the wicked will fall, never to rise again.
Yes, we are all going to face God.
Will you be ready when it happens, and will your name be written in the book of life?